An Essay by Michael Burtch
An excerpt from the publication accompanying the David Magee exhibition that contains the essay.
Light. Light in Magee's installation is implicit. It is the counterpoint of dark, the illuminator of the fragments that project from the dark matrix, the medium of revelation through which the peaks of the icebergs of perception rise from the depths of the subconscious. The glass balls of divination, the translucent glaze of the shells are caressed by flickers of light. The fronds of palm, traditionally a symbol for victory over death, and for chastity, act as a curtain to shelter the face of Generva. The eyes, the organ of light, gaze from the lush, aqueous ground. Light shimmers softly from the font, through the water and the idealized boys/girls of Raphael. The light touches St. John's phallic finger, his enlarged breast, emphasizing the unified male/female attributes-the whole person, that underscores Leonardo's imagery. Light falls softly on the idealized, unattainable mother figure the Caterina of Leonardo's phantasy, the mother, the other